Kioskzine 2.0 Special Edition - Manuel Roberto + Print
The Kioskzine 2.0 Special Edition costs 20 euros and includes one zine with Manuel Roberto’s work plus a 18x12cm print on papel 310gr Platine Fibre Rag by Canson.
The Kioskzine 2.0 Special Edition costs 20 euros and includes one zine with Manuel Roberto’s work plus a 18x12cm print on papel 310gr Platine Fibre Rag by Canson.
Kioskzine is back with a new publication! Kioskzine 2.0 invited artist is the Portuguese photojournalist grapher Manuel Roberto with his work “The hunger of others” and the photo I didn’t take for my newspaper. This project published in Kioskzine 2.0 is part of a work done 21 years ago, during the “Eline” weather depression, in Mozambique, March 2000, which devasted the country leaving behind around 800 thousand fatalities.
40 pages X-per matte 120gr paper
A5 Format
Printed in Portugal by Orgal Impressores